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Biden’s Upside-Down Cake of Massive Entitlements He Calls “Tax Cuts”

President Biden is comparing his multi-trillion dollar boatload of new entitlements, the American Families Plan, to tax cuts. It’s an Orwellian upside-down-cake. Here’s what the President said:

“I think it’s time to give ordinary people a tax break … Why is this not a tax break for working folks when the stuff we give to the super wealthy are called tax breaks? Look, major action on clean energy, housing, caregiving, on child and paid leave, universal pre-k, free community college. The human infrastructure is intertwined with our physical infrastructure.”

Huh? They’re not tax cuts. They’re spending. Permanent spending.

Mr. Biden wants government cash payments without any work qualifications or other employment incentives. They are middle class entitlements.

If you have a moment take a look at The Wall Street Journal’s recent editorial: “It’s the Entitlements, Stupid.” Then if you have a moment more, read the op-ed piece by John Cogan entitled “Biden’s plan for an entitlement society.”

Some 57% of all married couple children would receive these benefits and more than 80% of single parent households would be on the entitlement rolls. The range of eligible incomes would be as high as $200,000. This is not a safety net for poor people. This is middle class dependency. Running against the grain of the American work ethic and what should be our opportunity society.

To finance it, there would be a $2 trillion tax hike, probably closer to $3 trillion. This is what Biden and the Democrats want to enact via the hyper-partisan process of “reconciliation.”

Read the full column in The New York Sun


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